Personality Disorder Treatment in Kansas City

Personality disorders represent ten types of mental health disorders, all of which cause disruptive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Untreated, these disorders can lead to co-occurring substance abuse. Many people with personality disorders are unaware of how problematic their thoughts are compared to those without. That is why finding personality disorders treatment in Kansas City is essential.

Arista Recovery is a dual diagnosis treatment center in Kansas City. Reach out to Arista Recovery to tour our personality disorder treatment center in Kansas City.

What Are Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders refer to mental health disorders that change someone’s personality by influencing their thoughts and actions. People with personality disorders have behavioral tendencies far from cultural norms.

Personality disorders can disrupt your ability to maintain a job, cultivate relationships, develop intimacy, or view the world in a realistic frame of mind.

It is very common for individuals with personality disorders to also have a second mental health disorder.

For example:

Forty-two percent of people have an anxiety disorder in addition to their personality disorder; another twenty-four percent have a second mood disorder. Twenty-three percent have an impulse control disorder, and twenty percent have substance abuse disorders.

The longer you go without personality disorders treatment in Kansas City, the higher your risk of developing a second or third mental health disorder like anxiety disorders or substance abuse.

Arista can help you find personalized personality disorder treatment. Call our team today to learn more about full continuum addiction treatment offered by Arista Recovery.

Personality Disorders as Co-Occurring Conditions

It is quite common for people with personality disorders to also experience substance abuse. Nearly half of the individuals with mental health issues self-medicate with drugs and alcohol.

If you are worried you might have a personality disorder in addition to substance abuse, or you have already received a diagnosis for a personality disorder, you might benefit from dual diagnosis services. Dual diagnosis services are provided for co-occurring mental health and substance abuse issues.

Arista’s personality disorder treatment center in Kansas City provides a specialized treatment that offers multiple levels of care, starting with detox services for substance abuse and ongoing mental health services for personality disorders.

Don’t wait to get help. Reach out to Arista to talk about our Kansas City personality disorder treatment.

Types of Personality Disorders and Symptoms

There are a variety of different personality disorders, but they are often categorized into three groups.

Group A

These are personality disorders characterized by erratic or unusual behaviors or ways of thinking.

  • Paranoid personality disorder is the first. A client with paranoid personality disorder is constantly suspicious of what other people do. They generally believe that everyone is trying to harm them, to mean them, or otherwise threaten them.
  • Schizoid personality disorder is the second. A client with schizoid personality disorder has detached social interactions and a limited emotional range, and they generally aren’t interested in any form of relationship.
  • Schizotypal personality disorder is the third. A client with schizotypal personality disorder can find it difficult to have any intimate relationships because they have distorted views of reality, are often intensely uncomfortable with intimacy, and don’t believe they need close relationships.

Group B

These are personality disorders characterized by erratic behavior, unstable behavior, unstable emotions, and impulsivity. Many clients with a personality disorder from Group B also have impulse control disorders or substance abuse disorders.

  • Antisocial personality disorder is the first. A client with antisocial personality disorder can regularly cause physical or emotional harm to others without regard for the consequences. They generally don’t respect social rules or other people.
  • Borderline personality disorder is the second. A client with borderline personality disorder usually has many relationship problems. They can’t control their emotions, struggle with low self-esteem, and have issues with impulsivity.
  • Histrionic personality disorder is the third. A client with histrionic personality disorder often has a distorted view of themselves. The view they have of themselves is contingent upon approval from other people. They have no internalized self-worth, so they often have intense emotions and engage in inappropriate or dramatic behavior to garner attention from other people.
  • Narcissistic personality disorder is the fourth. A client with narcissistic personality disorder similarly has low self-esteem, and they compensate for this low self-esteem by demanding praise from others regularly. Clients also typically lack empathy for anyone else and have an ongoing feeling of superiority over others.

Group C

These are personality disorders more characterized by anxiety or fear. It’s common for clients with a Group C disorder to also have an anxiety disorder.

  • Avoidant personality disorder is the first. Clients with avoidant personality disorder go out of their way to avoid social interactions because of an underlying fear of rejection. They constantly struggle with feelings of inadequacy and don’t believe they’re good enough to socialize with other people. The same clients will typically have an ongoing fear of being negatively judged by others in any social situation.
  • Dependent personality disorder is the second. A client with dependent personality disorder becomes intimate with other people to such a degree that they invest all of themselves into that other person. They are regularly submissive, cannot make independent decisions, display passive behavior, constantly seek reassurance from their partner, and struggle with severe separation anxiety if they are apart.
  • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is the third. A client with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder differs from a client with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Those with obsessive-compulsive disorders are aware of their thoughts, actions, and issues that can come from them. By comparison, individuals with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder have even more extreme demands for control and order. Those demands can inhibit their ability to hold a job, maintain a relationship, or even complete daily tasks. These individuals typically have no tolerance for flexibility and need specialized treatment above and beyond what is required to treat OCD.


Finding the right personality disorder treatment for your circumstances is important. Call our team today to learn more. Get in touch