Trauma Informed Care In Kansas City

Untreated trauma can lead to or exacerbate mental health disorders and substance abuse symptoms. Kansas City trauma-informed care offers a specialized approach that considers your Safety and Security in light of unresolved trauma so that you get the best possible treatment.

Contact Arista Recovery today at (877) 279-0095 to learn more about our dual diagnosis treatment center in Kansas City.

How Common is Trauma?

Studies since the 1990s have found that sixty-one percent of men and 51% of women have experienced at least one traumatic event.

Trauma does not have to be something that happens to you; it can be something you witness, experience, or something that happens to someone close to you. Other studies have found that over seventy percent of people who have reported trauma, reported witnessing it rather than experiencing it directly.

Arista Recovery accepts most commercial insurance plans. Call us to learn more about what your insurance will cover.

What is Trauma Informed Care in Kansas City?

Kansas City trauma-informed care is any type of addiction or mental health treatment centered around understanding how pervasive trauma can be on your physical and mental health. Trauma-informed practices are designed to better meet your needs as a client.

Trauma-informed care in Kansas City gives you increased control over the type of therapies you have as part of your treatment program, taking into account things with which you are most comfortable and things you prefer to avoid.

Don’t wait to get help. Let Arista Recovery show you the best in service, treatment, and care.

Relationship Between Trauma and Substance Use Disorders

Many people in need of substance abuse treatment have experienced some form of trauma, either in childhood or adulthood. Similarly, substance abuse can predispose you to a higher risk of ongoing trauma, particularly when under the influence.

Individuals with a history of trauma and substance abuse need specific care. Generic addiction treatment plans fail to resolve underlying issues that can contribute to relapse. The recovery process for people with trauma and coexisting substance abuse disorders is a bit more challenging and needs additional levels of experiential therapy and support.

Research indicates that many clients seeking inpatient substance abuse treatment also struggle with PTSD or other symptoms related to previous trauma. If you are looking for residential treatment for substance abuse and underlying symptoms of PTSD, trauma-informed care can be the ideal solution.

We offer admissions twenty-four hours per day. Reach out to our team now to learn more about our drug rehab.

Relationship Between Trauma and Mental Health Disorders

Many individuals who need dual diagnosis services for co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders are more likely to have a history of unresolved trauma, including:

  • Childhood abuse
  • Serious accidents
  • Drug overdoses
  • Interpersonal violence
  • Homelessness

People with severe trauma are at a higher risk of developing mental health disorders like PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Untreated, these conditions can present with secondary mental health disorders or more severe disorders like bipolar disorder, mood disorders, or impulse control disorders.

Research indicates that traumatic stress can exacerbate mental health disorders but can also lead to the development of mental health disorders. The relationships between untreated trauma and substance abuse are similar to untreated trauma and mental health issues.

New experiences can help you start on a new path. Call Arista Recovery today to learn more.

Benefits of Kansas City Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma-informed care in Kansas City aims to give you greater safety and prevent compound consequences. Kansas City trauma-informed care gives you an opportunity to:

  • Explore any trauma in your past
  • Identify the impact of trauma on current attitudes or behaviors
  • Understand your strengths
  • Use your creative coping strategies
  • Build your resilience
  • Improve your relationships
  • Remaining sober
  • Deal with any underlying mental health disorders

Avoiding Re-traumatization

Re-traumatization refers to any experience that triggers a client and causes additional trauma on top of the original trauma when trying to treat the original trauma.  

This looks very different from one client to the next. Some clients might be triggered by individual therapy sessions with a male counselor, while confined spaces, touch, sounds, or words might trigger others.

A Kansas City trauma treatment center avoids re-traumatization by ensuring all practices and facility policies give you the care you need.

Understanding and Awareness

Trauma-informed care in Kansas City focuses on how your experience might affect your response to treatment services, recognizing that you might have different engagement with specific modalities, need to control your interactions with staff members, and be more responsive to certain interventions or practices.

Personalized Interventions

Our team recognizes that trauma can influence emotional development, behavior, cognitive processes, and physical health. Intervention strategies must consider what can help you improve your overall well-being with these factors in mind. Our Kansas City trauma-informed care curates a supportive environment for you, delivering services sensitive to your needs.

For example:

At our Kansas City trauma treatment center, a client might need treatment for trauma experienced by a close family member but not by the client directly. Clients might have received angry outbursts from their family members, avoidant behavior, or overreactions. The client might have frequent nightmares about the trauma experienced by the close family member and high levels of anxiety or fear, especially around stressful situations.

These repetitive experiences can lead to secondary issues like anxiety disorders or depression in clients and their family members. It can also increase the risk of PTSD, internalizing behaviors, and relationship problems.

Under the circumstances, our team can work to provide prevention services like education, the development of coping skills, and long-term support systems to which clients can turn to long after leaving our Kansas City trauma treatment center.


We can help you get to your treatment program. Call us today to learn about our transportation services.