Anxiety Treatment Center in Kansas City

No matter who you are, there’s a very good chance that you’re familiar with feelings of anxiety. When they’re limited in both degree and duration, these feelings likely won’t cause you harm. However, millions of Americans are affected by levels of anxiety that lead to significant functional impairment. These people have at least one of several diagnosable conditions called anxiety disorders.

An anxiety disorder is cause for concern on its own, but its impact can be even more severe if you also have an addiction to drugs or alcohol. The combination of addiction and an anxiety disorder serves as a common example of something called dual diagnosis. This term refers to any diagnosis of co-occurring substance disorders and mental illness. Recovery from dual diagnosis presents some unique treatment challenges and requires customized, expert care. At Arista Recovery, we specialize in dual diagnosis treatment in Kansas City.

Our Kansas City anxiety rehab center features a customized approach to overcoming substance problems that co-occur with anxiety disorders. We’re committed to helping you regain your ability to function well in daily life.

Defining Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders

What is anxiety? Mental health experts use the term to describe a state of mind that features:

  • Anticipation or concern regarding a future situation or event
  • Worry, dread, or uneasiness stemming from that anticipation or concern

Strictly speaking, anxiety does not make you feel fearful. However, feelings of fear and anxiety are often closely connected.

In addition to affecting your mind, anxiety affects your body. Specific physical impacts you may experience include:

  • Elevated blood pressure
  • An increased heart rate
  • Muscle tremors
  • Sweating
  • Bowel distress

Anxiety is more than just a fleeting or occasional state in people with anxiety disorders. Instead, it recurs over time and has an effect that’s substantial enough to interfere with your function and well-being. Conditions that fall into this category include:

  • Panic disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Specific or simple phobias
  • Separation anxiety disorder
  • Agoraphobia

All of these illnesses can produce debilitating anxiety. However, the sources and circumstances for the appearance of that anxiety vary between them.

Anxiety disorders are far from rare. Collectively, they affect more than three out of every ten people across the U.S. This level of occurrence is high enough to make them the nation’s most common category of mental illness.

Want more information on anxiety and anxiety disorders? Talk to the knowledgeable staff at Arista Recovery. We’ll be happy to provide you with further details that help enhance your understanding.

Anxiety Disorders and Dual Diagnosis

Dual diagnosis is also known as a co-occurring disorder. One of the most common forms of this condition is an anxiety disorder paired with a drug or alcohol disorder. If you’re affected by this combination, your substance problems may develop before or after your anxiety-related symptoms. Overall, people with diagnosable substance problems are anywhere from 20% to 30% more likely to develop an anxiety disorder.

In cases of dual diagnosis, anxiety disorders, and substance problems don’t just occur together. They interact in significant and damaging ways. This means that having dual diagnosis is more harmful to you than just having an anxiety disorder. It’s also more harmful than just having a drug or alcohol disorder. Specific forms of harm you may experience include:

  • Intensified symptoms of anxiety or addiction
  • Higher levels of impairment and dysfunction
  • Greater odds of requiring hospitalization
  • Increased disruption of your key personal relationships
  • An overall decline in your perceived quality of life

Crucially, dual diagnosis also makes it harder to treat both your substance problem and your anxiety disorder successfully. This helps explain why you need a dual diagnosis anxiety treatment program to support your recovery.

To find out more about the damaging impact of dual diagnosis, contact the experts at Arista Recovery’s drug rehab center today. We can answer any question you may have about the likely effects of co-occurring anxiety and substance problems.

Treating Co-Occurring Anxiety Disorders and Substance Problems

Today, there are effective treatments for co-occurring anxiety disorders and substance problems. The first step at an anxiety treatment center in Kansas City is a thorough assessment of your condition. This assessment helps reveal the severity of your substance-related symptoms. It also helps reveal the severity of your anxiety.

All dual diagnosis recovery plans must be carefully coordinated. That’s the only way to avoid any conflicts between your anxiety disorder treatment and your substance treatment. Top-quality programs rely on experienced specialists to meet this vital objective.  

Want to learn more about treatments for co-occurring anxiety and substance disorders? The professionals at Arista Recovery are standing by with the information you need. Just contact us today.