How to Convince Someone to Go to Rehab?

Living with someone struggling with addiction is difficult. When a loved one is dealing with substance abuse, they...

Sep 05, 2024 by Arista Recovery Staff

Living with someone struggling with addiction is difficult. When a loved one is dealing with substance abuse, they know they need help but may be hesitant to reach out for that help. Sometimes, your loved one may not think there is a problem and will continue sliding further into addiction. Trying to help someone see that they need professional help can be a tremendous tug of war. While you want them to get help, pushing and pleading with your loved one can drive them further away.

Learning how to convince someone to go into rehab increases the chances of your loved one committing to get professional help. By learning the dos and don’ts of convincing someone to go into rehab, you gain the confidence and patience to help your loved one understand how drug rehab can help them restore their health and happiness.

Why Is It Hard to Get a Loved One Into Treatment?

When you are dealing with addiction within the family, knowing how to convince a loved one to go to rehab seems easy. You show concern and support for your loved one and tell them that drug treatment will help them get better. In reality, convincing someone to go to rehab is tricky and can create a large amount of resentment and volatility.

The easy answer is that the addict lives in constant denial. They are most often the last ones to see how their addiction affects their lives and those they love. Addiction is a chronic disease that changes body and brain functioning, and many addicts have adopted a daily life revolving around their substance use. To the addict, drug and alcohol use is normal. Being told otherwise is met with resistance, and it creates considerable confrontation, denial, and even anger in the addict.

How Do You Convince Someone to Go Into Rehab?

Knowing how to convince someone to go into rehab is a skill that requires thought and patience. If you find yourself trying to help a loved one get into treatment, the following tips will increase the chances you get through to them and motivate them to get the help they need:

Educate Yourself

Knowing how to convince someone to go into rehab starts with educating yourself on drug abuse and addiction. Learn what you can about your loved one’s addiction, the dangers of addiction, and the disease of addiction. Talk to your doctor and local addiction professionals. It is also essential to learn about the various options for drug treatment, such as inpatient, outpatient, day programs, and partial hospitalization programs. Additionally, it is prudent to learn about the various components of drug treatment, including medical detox, therapy, 12-step programs, and relapse prevention programs.

Have An Honest Talk With Your Loved One

An essential component in knowing how to convince someone to go into rehab is having an open and honest talk with your loved one about their substance use. You want to plan this talk for a time when they aren’t using their drug of choice. It is important to prepare what you are going to say beforehand. When you speak to your loved one, it is important to be supportive and calm. Focus on the facts of your research, and don’t let emotions take over the conversation. Don’t “gang up” on your loved one and have them feel threatened.

Set Boundaries

When talking to and dealing with an addict, it is crucial to set boundaries. Boundaries set expectations for a relationship and help you support your loved one while avoiding enabling behaviors. Boundaries may include not giving money for rent or bills or not allowing substances in the household, as examples. When you set clear and healthy boundaries, you let your loved one know that you will do everything you can to help as long as they are respectful of the boundaries you create.

Have Compassion

Having compassion towards an addicted loved one may prove very difficult at times. Your loved one no doubt has engaged in some form of bullying and manipulation towards you or other family members. There will be times when emotions will run high in your communication with your loved one. However, it is important to note they are dealing with a disease. When talking with your loved one, focus on the positive and let them know they can improve because countless others have achieved long-term sobriety.

Arista Recovery Will Help Your Loved One Recover From Addiction

Drug addiction is an equal opportunity destroyer of lives. When a loved one struggles with addiction, the whole family struggles. If your loved one is ready to transform their life, Arista Recovery can help. As one of the Midwest’s premier drug treatment facilities, we focus on providing support, motivation, and hope for those suffering from substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. We offer evidence-based, full continuum addiction treatment, multiple levels of care, and personalized programs that fit your loved one’s unique and specific needs. Help your loved one find lasting recovery; call Arista Recovery today to learn more about our Midwest drug rehab center.

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