Are There Resources For Families of Addicts?

We all know the devastating impacts of addiction on the user. Many people may not realize that addiction is a family disease. The impacts of addiction on the family are equally damaging, and it can rip families completely apart. For the addict to fully recover, the whole family needs help. While many rehabs offer family services, are there resources for families of addicts? Fortunately, many resources for families of alcoholics help them gain knowledge as well as the support they need to move toward recovery.
We will discuss addiction support groups for families and the critical role family plays in an addict’s recovery. If your family needs help finding resources and support, call Arista Recovery Center toll-free today. We are one of the premier drug treatment centers in the Midwest. We offer a wide range of evidence-based services and programs that help addicts and families of addicts restore their health and happiness.
Arista Recovery is a Midwest drug rehab center that offers full continuum addiction treatment in Kansas City.

How Does Addiction Impact a Family?
In a discussion about resources for families of addicts, we first must learn how addiction impacts the family. A major way addiction impacts the family is that it creates a great sense of fear and confusion. The addict acts in unpredictable ways, and family members will walk on eggshells to avoid emotional and even physical outbursts and abuse. Secondly, addiction opens the family up to physical and emotional abuse. Addicts operate under heavy denial and will go to great lengths to continue their use. This means lying, manipulation, blaming others, and the threat of physical violence.
Addiction creates significant financial problems for the addict. As a result, they may resort to stealing personal belongings and the belongings of others to finance their habit. This leads to profound mistrust within the family. Likewise, family members may try to help out the addict in paying bills and rent. While done with good intentions, these enabling behaviors allow the addict to continue using and causes great resentment among other family members.
Perhaps the most heartbreaking impact of addiction in families is other family members may turn to substances themselves in order to cope. Dealing with an addicted family members brings forth unbelievable stress. Without healthy coping skills at hand, some family members may turn to drugs and alcohol.
What Role Does Family Play in Recovery?
The family plays a crucial role in an addict’s recovery. In order for the addict to achieve lasting recovery, they must have a solid and healthy support system and base to help gain confidence and grow in sobriety. Family members hold the recovering addict responsible and accountable for their choices. They also create rewards for positive choices for healthy behavior. Importantly, the family creates healthy boundaries that allow them the space to take care of their needs while providing the right support for the newly recovering addict.
Are There Resources For Families of Addicts?
If you have a family member struggling with addiction, your family may be lost in knowing what to do. If you are asking are there resources for families of addicts, there are many great resources for you. Many rehab centers offer family therapy and programs that allow you and your family members to understand your role in your loved one’s addiction. Most importantly, these programs give you the support and encouragement to work through the issues you have to become stronger and more resilient.
Another great resource is addiction support groups for families, such as Al-Anon, Alateen, and SMART Recovery. These groups are geared toward family members of addicts, and you are able to share your experiences with others in similar situations. Individual therapy with an experienced counselor can also help you process your feelings and empower you to make positive changes that support your well-being and the well-being of your addicted loved one. There are also excellent websites such as SAMHSA, NIH, and NCAAD that provide a wealth of information on addiction as well as addiction-related topics.
How to Find Resources For Families of Addicts
Having solid resources in your corner makes all the difference for families of addicts. Arguably, the most critical resource is the family programs and services provided by Arista Recovery. As one of the top inpatient drug rehabs in the Midwest, Arista Recovery offers the families of addicts evidence-based therapy and programs that help each family member find their voice. In addition, we offer a wide variety of traditional and emerging therapies that are tailored to meet every addict’s specific needs. Call Arista Recovery toll-free right now and start the healing.