Signs of Drug Use in Teenagers

Discover the signs of drug use in teenagers, how to intervene effectively, and prevention strategies.

Sep 05, 2024 by Arista Recovery Staff

Understanding Adolescent Substance Use

To effectively respond to and prevent adolescent substance use, a comprehensive understanding of the prevalence, risks, and consequences of drug use among teenagers is necessary.

Prevalence of Drug Use in Teenagers

Adolescent substance use is a significant public health concern, with a substantial number of high school seniors in the United States reporting use of cigarettes, alcohol, or other drugs. According to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, about a quarter of high school seniors have never used these substances, and 8% have used at least one substance during their lifetime but not in the past year. Contrarily, well over half of American adolescents have used alcohol and tobacco, and close to the same number have tried marijuana or hard drugs.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) observed a notable increase in calls to their National Helpline in 2020, receiving a total of 833,598 calls. This marked a 27 percent increase from the previous year, indicating a heightened need for support and resources related to substance use.

Risks and Consequences of Substance Use

The use of substances during adolescence carries significant risks and consequences. The National Center for Biotechnology Information reports that adolescents who use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs are at increased risk for several adverse outcomes. These include diminished school functioning, deterioration of physical health, and increased rates of psychopathology.

In the academic sphere, past-year substance users were found to have a significantly higher likelihood of skipping school and having low grades compared to lifetime non-users. Additionally, lifetime non-users also reported greater academic self-efficacy and emotional academic engagement compared to past-year users [2].

Substance use in adolescence is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach for prevention and intervention. Recognizing the signs of drug use in teenagers is a critical first step toward addressing this problem and providing the necessary support.

Recognizing Signs of Drug Use

Recognizing the signs of drug use in teenagers can be challenging, given the complexity of adolescent behavior and emotions. However, certain behavioral and physical patterns can potentially indicate substance abuse. Being vigilant to these signs can facilitate early intervention and help in mitigating potential risks.

Behavioral Indicators of Substance Abuse

Teenagers exhibiting persistent moodiness, patterns of emotions, and prolonged sullen, angry, sad, or distant behavior could potentially be using drugs or alcohol. This could also indicate depression, or undisclosed difficulties.

Alterations in relationships and interests, reluctance in introducing new friends, a decline in academic performance, or a loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities could be warning signs of teenage drug or alcohol abuse. These signs could also be indicative of depression or other serious issues.

Habitual lying, stealing, skipping school, and disappearing for extended periods are all red flags indicating potential drug or alcohol abuse among teenagers, requiring attention and intervention from parents or caregivers.

Moreover, unusual behavior after hanging out with friends, such as being loud, clumsy, sullen, withdrawn, or queasy, can be indicators of potential drug or alcohol use. These behaviors might include stumbling, tripping, laughing excessively, or being exceptionally tired.

Physical Symptoms of Drug Use

Physical signs of drug or alcohol use in teenagers can include significant weight loss or gain, decreased hygiene, unusual skin pallor, and general unhealthiness, which might also relate to mental health or other medical problems.

Parents can spot signs of drug use in teens by using their senses, including smell and sight. For example, the smell of alcohol or smoke may be on a teen's breath, clothing, or hair. Red, heavy-lidded eyes with constricted pupils could indicate marijuana use, while dilated pupils and difficulty focusing may suggest drinking.

Additionally, parents are advised to search their teen's personal spaces if they suspect drug use. Common places for concealing vapes, alcohol, drugs, or paraphernalia include bedrooms and digital devices. It's important to explain the reasons for a search, ensuring the teen understands it is out of concern for their health and safety [4].

Recognizing these signs of drug use in teenagers is critical, as adolescence is a crucial stage for brain development. Substance use during this period can negatively impact this development, making it vital for parents to intervene if they suspect their teen is using substances.

Impact of Peer Influence on Substance Use

Peer influence, particularly during the adolescent years, can significantly impact behavior, including substance use. The friendships and social circles that teenagers engage in can shape their attitudes towards drugs, and in some cases, lead to experimentation and regular use.

Role of Friends in Teenage Substance Abuse

The role of friends in teenage substance use cannot be underestimated. According to NCBI, the most consistent predictor of substance use and changes in substance use over time is a friend’s substance-using behavior. Negative interactions with a friend were also found to be related to tobacco use.

Newport Academy further highlights the significance of peer relationships in determining teenage substance abuse. Their studies reveal that the friendships that children and teens make can significantly influence whether or not a teenager will use substances like alcohol and drugs.

Teens in recovery often mention that their initial interaction with illicit substances occurred with friends, as teens commonly use substances in social settings. Curiosity may lead teens to experiment if their friends are involved, potentially leading to substance abuse.

Peers who engage in drug and alcohol abuse can make these activities appear "cool" or desirable, influencing teenagers to move from experimentation to addiction more rapidly.

Coping with Negative Peer Pressure

Peer pressure plays a significant role in teen drug use. Newport Academy cites studies from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) that show how teens focus more on the reward rather than the risk. The desire to impress friends can lead to dangerous behaviors related to drugs and alcohol.

Teenagers tend to take more risks in the presence of friends, with peer influence overriding their normal fear of risks. This behavior is similar whether it's related to reckless driving or drug use, highlighting the dangers of peer pressure in substance abuse.

Given these realities, it's crucial to educate teens about the dangers of substance abuse and the negative impact of peer pressure. Providing them with strategies to cope with negative peer pressure can help them make informed decisions and resist the temptation to use drugs or alcohol. Strategies can include strengthening self-esteem, fostering healthy friendships, and engaging in positive activities that do not involve substance use.

Steps to Intervene and Address Substance Abuse

When a teenager shows signs of drug use, it's crucial to take action immediately. Intervention should be conducted with care, and in a manner that shows understanding and support. The following sections outline strategies on how to address the issue, starting with open conversations about drug use and identifying the appropriate help and resources available.

Conversations About Drug Use

Initiating a conversation about drug use with a teenager requires a delicate approach. It's important to remain calm, open, and non-judgmental. Emphasize your concern for their well-being and express your readiness to provide support. Remember that teenagers are often sensitive and defensive, so try to avoid confrontation or blame.

During the conversation, discuss the risks and consequences of substance use. Refer to factual information from reliable sources to back up your points. Encourage the teenager to share their thoughts and feelings, and listen attentively to their responses. This dialogue can help them understand the gravity of the situation and prompt them to reconsider their actions.

Maintaining an open line of communication is essential for the teenager to feel comfortable discussing this sensitive topic. Regular check-ins and open-ended questions can help keep the conversation going and allow you to gauge any changes in their attitude towards drugs.

Seeking Help and Resources Available

If a teenager continues to show signs of drug use despite your efforts, professional help may be necessary. There are numerous resources available to assist families dealing with adolescent substance abuse.

Consider consulting a healthcare provider or a mental health professional who specializes in substance use disorders. They can provide a thorough evaluation and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.

In addition, numerous organizations offer guidance and support to families affected by substance abuse. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has a wealth of information on different types of drugs and their effects, as well as resources for finding treatment programs.

Local community centers and schools may also have resources and programs aimed at preventing substance abuse among teenagers. These may include educational workshops, support groups, and counseling services.

Remember, addressing signs of drug use in teenagers is a challenging task that requires patience, determination, and a lot of support. It's important to show understanding and empathy during this challenging time, and to ensure the teenager that you're there to help them overcome this hurdle.

Prevention of Substance Abuse in Teenagers

Prevention is always better than cure, especially when it comes to substance abuse. There are multiple strategies that can be employed to prevent drug use among teenagers, with parents, communities, and schools all playing a pivotal role.

Role of Parents in Prevention

Parents have an influential role in preventing drug use among their teenage children. According to Family First Intervention, parents can lower the risk of drug use in the home by reducing the availability of substances.

Furthermore, the mother-adolescent relationship has also been associated with lower levels of concurrent substance use, as well as lower levels of hard drug use over time [1].

Understanding what’s happening socially and developmentally in the teen and young adult years is also fundamental to setting the stage for healthier outcomes in relation to substance use.

Community and School-Based Interventions

The community and schools also play a crucial role in preventing substance abuse among teenagers. The friendships that children and teens make significantly influence whether or not a teenager will use substances like alcohol and drugs. Peer relationships are primary factors in determining teenage substance abuse [5].

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) studies show that peer pressure plays a significant role in teen drug use, where teens focus more on the reward rather than the risk. The desire to impress friends can lead to dangerous behaviors related to drugs and alcohol.

Substance use services in Canada are available 24/7 for anyone in need, including teenagers, through a variety of contact methods such as phone, text, chat, email, and even Facebook Messenger. This makes resources easily accessible for individuals seeking help with drug use [6].

Furthermore, Harm reduction centers in Canada offer services for individuals struggling with substance use, indicating a supportive environment for teenagers grappling with drug use issues.

By working together, parents, schools, and communities can help teenagers understand the dangers of substance abuse and provide them with the resources and support they need to make healthier choices.








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