Types of Alcoholics

Discover the types of alcoholics, identify the signs of addiction, and explore effective treatment options.

Sep 05, 2024 by Arista Recovery Staff

Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder

Before delving into the various types of alcoholics, it's crucial to first understand the overarching problem: Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD).

Definition of Alcoholism

Alcoholism, also known as Alcohol Use Disorder, is a condition where an individual becomes physically dependent or addicted to alcohol. Simply put, it's when someone's drinking habits escalate to a point where they physically and mentally need alcohol to function Healthline. In the past, terms like 'alcohol abuse' and 'alcohol dependence' were used, but the current, more encompassing term is 'Alcohol Use Disorder'.

People suffering from AUD continue to consume alcohol despite the negative consequences it brings about, such as strained relationships and job loss. This shows a lack of control over drinking behavior. It's also noteworthy that some individuals might excessively consume alcohol leading to various problems, without being physically dependent on it. This was formerly referred to as alcohol abuse Healthline.

Development of Alcohol Use Disorder

AUD doesn't develop overnight. It typically grows gradually over time and can be influenced by an array of factors, including genetics, as it's known to run in families Healthline.

Statistics from NIAAA indicate that more than 14 million adults ages 18 and older in the US have AUD, and 1 in 10 children live in a home with a parent who has a drinking problem. This shows the prevalence of AUD in society.

The good news is that treatment options are available for those struggling with AUD. Research shows that approximately one-third of people treated for alcohol problems have no further symptoms a year later. Many others significantly reduce their drinking and report fewer alcohol-related problems NIAAA.

Understanding AUD is the first step in identifying the different types of alcoholics, their behaviors, and the appropriate treatment options. It's important to remember that help is available and recovery is possible.

Types of Alcoholics

Understanding the various types of alcoholics can inform treatment strategies and help healthcare providers offer more personalized care. Two common classifications used in the field of alcohol addiction treatment are Babor's Classification and Typological Studies.

Babor's Classification

Babor's classification categorizes alcoholics into two distinct groups: Type A and Type B. Type B alcoholism is consistently more severe than Type A.

This classification system is based on a variety of factors, including the severity of symptoms and the individual's history with alcohol use. Evidence suggests that any alcoholic subject can be assigned to either Type A or Type B, and these types consistently differ across multiple dimensions. Notably, the distinction between Type A and Type B alcoholism is also valid for opiate, cocaine, and marijuana abusers [1].

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ALess severe symptoms, later onset of disorder, fewer psychological complications
BMore severe symptoms, earlier onset of disorder, more psychological complications

Typological Studies

Typological studies of alcoholism use cluster analysis to group individuals based on multiple aspects. These include factors that precede the disorder, the severity of symptoms, and adverse consequences resulting from alcohol use.

These studies provide a multi-dimensional look at alcoholism, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of the disorder. This approach helps identify patterns in behavior and symptoms, which can guide treatment strategies.

Typological Study AspectsDescription
Preceding FactorsConditions or experiences that may lead to alcoholism
Symptom SeverityThe intensity of physical and psychological symptoms
Adverse ConsequencesNegative outcomes resulting from alcohol use

The classification systems for alcoholics, whether Babor's Classification or typological studies, are beneficial in treatment-matching studies. They can assist in determining which types of treatments work best for which types of patients. By applying these classifications, healthcare providers can offer more personalized and effective treatment strategies for individuals struggling with alcohol use disorder.

Characteristics of Alcoholics

Understanding the behavior patterns and characteristics of alcoholics can aid in early identification and intervention. The following are some common characteristics often observed in people battling alcohol addiction.

Prioritizing Alcohol

One of the most discernible characteristics of alcoholics is the tendency to prioritize alcohol over other aspects of life. Individuals with a physical dependency on alcohol often show signs of irritability when denied access to alcohol and may seem anxious to begin drinking when going out. This behavior is a clear indicator of alcohol abuse, as these individuals feel compelled to continue drinking to avoid withdrawal symptoms [2].

Blaming Others

Alcoholics often show a propensity to blame others for their actions. Substance abuse can lead to problematic behavior, and instead of taking responsibility for these actions, they may shift blame to external factors. Coworkers, housemates, partners, or relatives are often blamed for the alcoholic's actions and the consequences of their alcohol abuse.

Making Excuses

Frequent excuses to justify alcohol consumption is another characteristic typically observed among alcoholics. They may blame their excessive drinking on various occasions such as stressful work weeks or relationship issues. Regardless of the situation, alcoholics often have a reason ready for their drinking, which serves to justify their alcohol abuse in their eyes.

In conclusion, recognizing these characteristics in oneself or others can be the first step towards addressing alcohol addiction. Understanding the typical behavior patterns of the different types of alcoholics can facilitate early intervention and treatment, leading to better recovery outcomes.

Signs of Alcohol Addiction

Recognizing the signs of alcohol addiction can be the first step towards seeking help for oneself or a loved one. Two of the most significant indicators of alcohol addiction include the inability to stop drinking and experiencing financial struggles due to excessive alcohol use.

Inability to Stop Drinking

One of the most telling signs of alcohol addiction is the inability to stop drinking. Individuals with alcohol addiction often consume alcohol uncontrollably, even beyond the point of becoming drunk. This behavior indicates a physical and psychological urge to consume alcohol, making quitting alcohol challenging once addiction sets in. They may also show signs of irritability when denied access to alcohol and seem anxious to start drinking when going out. This prioritization of alcohol is a clear indicator of alcohol abuse [3].

Financial Struggles

Alcohol addiction can also lead to financial struggles. This is due to the cost of alcohol itself and the impact of alcohol dependency on work performance, which can contribute to monetary issues. Excessive spending on alcohol and potential job loss due to intoxication are some of the financial challenges individuals with alcohol addiction may face. The cycle of addiction can create a downward spiral where the individual continues to consume alcohol despite the negative impact on their financial situation.

These signs of alcohol addiction highlight the seriousness of alcohol use disorder and underscore the importance of seeking treatment. It's crucial to remember that professional help is available and that recovery is possible.

Treatment Options for Alcohol Use Disorder

When it comes to treating Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), there are two primary methods: behavioral treatments and medications. Each of these approaches targets different aspects of the disorder and can be used individually or in combination, depending on the needs of the individual.

Behavioral Treatments

Behavioral treatments are aimed at changing drinking behavior through counseling. These treatments are led by health professionals and are supported by extensive research showing their efficacy.

There are several types of behavioral treatments available, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational enhancement therapy, and marital and family counseling. In addition to these, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other 12-step programs provide valuable peer support for individuals working towards quitting or reducing their drinking. When combined with professional-led treatment, these mutual-support groups can provide an added layer of support.

Medications for Alcohol Problems

On the pharmaceutical front, there are currently three medications approved in the United States to aid individuals in stopping or reducing their drinking and prevent relapse. These medications are prescribed by a primary care physician or other health professional and can be used alone or in combination with counseling [4].

The three FDA-approved medications are:

  1. Naltrexone: Blocks the rewarding effects of alcohol to reduce cravings.
  2. Acamprosate: Reduces withdrawal symptoms like anxiety and insomnia.
  3. Disulfiram: Causes unpleasant effects when alcohol is consumed to deter drinking.

When considering treatment options, it's crucial to seek evidence-based approaches, those backed by extensive, well-designed studies. Additionally, many individuals find mutual support groups beneficial alongside professional treatment [5].

Treatment for AUD is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and what works best will depend on the individual's unique circumstances, including the severity of their AUD, their personal preferences, and their resources. It's important to discuss these factors with a healthcare professional to determine the best course of action.

Levels of Care for Alcohol Treatment

Alcohol treatment is not a one-size-fits-all approach. The type and intensity of treatment can vary greatly depending on the individual's needs. The American Society of Addiction Medicine defines four basic levels of care for alcohol treatment: early intervention, outpatient treatment, intensive outpatient/inpatient treatment, and medically managed intensive inpatient treatment. In this section, we will focus on the first two levels - early intervention and outpatient treatment.

Early Intervention

The first level of care, early intervention, is designed to help individuals recognize the early signs of alcohol use disorder. The goal of early intervention is to prevent the progression of alcohol use disorder by promoting healthier drinking habits or abstinence. This is typically achieved through counseling and education. It is important to note that early intervention is not a form of treatment, but rather a preventive measure for those at risk of developing alcohol use disorder.

Outpatient Treatment

For some individuals, outpatient treatment may be the most suitable option. This level of care allows individuals to maintain their regular routines and privacy. Outpatient treatment can vary in intensity and may include a combination of individual counseling, group therapy, and medication.

There are several lower intensity outpatient care options available. These include building a custom care team, engaging in telehealth sessions (phone or video), or utilizing eHealth options (online or mobile resources).

When seeking outpatient treatment, it's crucial to look for approaches that are "evidence-based," meaning they are backed by large, well-designed studies. Evidence-based treatments have been shown to be effective in reducing alcohol consumption and improving overall health and wellbeing. Furthermore, many individuals find mutual support groups beneficial along with professional treatment [5].

Healthcare professionals provide two types of treatment for alcohol use disorder: behavioral treatments and medications. Behavioral treatments involve working with a health professional to identify and change behaviors that lead to heavy drinking. Medications can help reduce the desire to drink or make one feel sick after drinking, assisting with withdrawal symptoms and preventing relapse.

It's important to remember that each person's journey to recovery is unique. The most effective treatment approach will depend on the individual's specific situation, including the severity of their alcohol use disorder, personal preferences, and available resources. Seeking professional advice can help determine the most suitable level of care.


[1]: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6876529/

[2]: https://freebythesea.com/recognizing-the-most-common-characteristics-of-an-alcoholic/

[3]: https://www.addictioncenter.com/alcohol/types-of-alcoholics/

[4]: https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/treatment-alcohol-problems-finding-and-getting-help

[5]: https://alcoholtreatment.niaaa.nih.gov/what-to-know/types-of-alcohol-treatment

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