8 Tips for Families Dealing With Addiction

When someone struggles with an addiction, the primary focus is on the addict. While it is crucial to...

Sep 05, 2024 by Arista Recovery Staff

When someone struggles with an addiction, the primary focus is on the addict. While it is crucial to give the addict the tools and support they need to overcome drugs and alcohol, the addict’s family also needs help and support. Addiction is a family disease, and each family member has a role in how their loved one’s addiction blossomed. When families understand and deal with addiction, they can heal and create a supportive environment for their loved ones to get clean and sober.

In this article, you will learn eight important tips for families dealing with addiction. Family addiction therapy is a crucial piece of the recovery puzzle. Arista Recovery provides families of addicts with programs, services, and compassionate care to help the whole family recover. Call us toll-free today and learn more about our family drug treatment programs.

Tip #1: Learn About Addiction

For families dealing with addiction, the first and most important tip in dealing with addiction is to learn as much about addiction as possible. While it’s difficult, you must understand addiction is a disease of the brain, not one that stems from weakness or lack of faith. Countless books focus on the science behind addiction, and there are numerous informative websites featuring vital information. You can also speak to your doctor or local addiction professional.

Tip #2: Join a Family Support Group

When families deal with addiction, connecting with other people in similar situations provides encouragement and support. Groups such as Alanon and Alateen are geared to help families dealing with substance abuse in the family. These groups provide a safe and non-judgmental space where people can learn about addiction and discuss their concerns and feelings.

Tip #3: Take Part in Family Therapy

The addict not only creates dysfunction and chaos in their own lives, but the lives of their family are also thrown into disarray. Each family member feels the stress and burden of an addict’s actions, and collectively, it creates a toxic environment. Family therapy for addiction helps break through barriers and gives each family member a voice to be heard. Family addiction therapy programs help family members understand themselves and each other and help heal the wounds caused by addiction.

Tip #4: Get Daily Exercise

Families dealing with addiction often feel a tremendous amount of stress. If that stress goes unresolved, it can result in a bad diet, poor overall health, and even an increased risk of turning to substances. A great way to help families cope with addiction is to engage in daily exercise. This can include a daily walk around the block, taking a few laps in the pool, going to CrossFit classes, or even taking up a martial art. Exercise releases neurotransmitters such as dopamine which promotes well-being and reduces stress.

Tip #5: Maintain Hobbies

A great way to deal with addiction is to have a pastime or hobby to engage in to take one’s mind off of helping an addicted loved one. These hobbies can include taking up a musical instrument, painting, writing, and cooking. Having an activity to look forward to promotes psychological well-being and helps bring emotional balance.

Tip #6: Be Realistic

When a loved one enters treatment, families will feel a sense of relief that help is on the way, and their loved one will get better. It is important to remember that recovery is a journey and often a long journey with many twists and turns. For many addicts, it takes a long time to unlearn the behaviors associated with addiction as well as work through the underlying causes of their addiction. It is important to manage expectations and be realistic in the fact that a loved one will experience ups and downs on the road to recovery.

Tip #7: Have Family Activities

Families dealing with addiction are often fractured and suffer from a lack of understanding and communication. Despite a loved one’s addiction, it is important to do things as a family to reconnect with each other. This can include cooking a family meal or having a game night. Having quality family time helps the whole family deal with stress and allows the opportunity for honest and open communication.

Tip #8: Be An Advocate

When families learn about addiction, they realize there is a tremendous amount of misinformation about the disease. Families dealing with addiction can become advocates and can educate and empower other families whose loved ones struggle with substance abuse.

Help Your Family Heal With Help from Arista Recovery

Is your family struggling with your loved one’s substance abuse? Is your family being torn apart? Make today the day you heal and empower your family and call Arista Recovery. Our family addiction programs are evidence-based and personalized to meet your family’s needs. Our experienced team of addiction professionals provide the tools and support you need to transform your family and create an environment for healing. Call us now to learn more about our full continuum addiction treatment program.

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